
Many years ago when I first started working with mindfulness I discovered journaling, I kept a journal in the week I spent on retreat training as a mindfulness teacher. Part of mindfulness is self enquiry, being curious and inquisitive about who we are, how we process information and emotions and interact with the world. This is not to judge our experience, simply to bring more awareness to our interactions moment by moment. I still have this journal and like to look back on the experience and reflect on how much I have developed, grown and changed since then.

I have also kept a gratitude journal during the most challenging times of my life when I have experienced such emotions as sadness, confusion, anxiety, fear, loss and grief. Those ‘why me’ moments of unfairness are a sweeter pill to swallow when we allow ourselves to consider gratitude, even for the smallest and simplest things in life. When you not only recount gratitude but also add in why you are grateful, that is when you bring true balance and the magic happens of compassion and humility.

For some time now I have been using ‘morning pages’ which was introduced in Julia Cameron’s book ‘The Artists Way’. I bought this book once for someone who was very creative but not using their skills, I didn’t realise that it was for so much more than artists block. The idea is to write every morning as soon as you wake up 3 pages of whatever comes to your head, even if it is simply "I can’t think of anything to write” and tap into your subconscious. It’s great for clearing any anxiety or clutter that you wake up to in the morning, be as honest as you like and then throw them away with no need to keep them. This has taken my own journalling to a different level this year, losing my mum and all the emotions attached to the current situation we find ourselves in I have found such solace in my morning pages and evening gratitude journal.

I know time is always an issue, especially when you have work to get to, kids to get up, but for me it is a non negotiable I find the time every morning as it gives me some peace. Remember it is progress not perfection that works so start small maybe just one morning and build on that, this is where coaching is a great tool to help you commit and hold yourself accountable.

I like working with journal prompts too and have just bought some prompt cards, this is for moments when I find journaling hard or I am feeling out of kilter and can’t quite put my finger on what is going on. A great practice is to sit for a moment to connect in with your breath and just scan your body to see how you are feeling in this moment and ask yourself “what does my body need right now?”…… “What does my mind need right now?”…. “What does my soul need right now?”. Then use your journal to explore how best to look after yourself in this moment - your body may need a stretch, or a massage, a bath, or a run. Your mind may need to switch off, or connect to a friend, or to read that book you promised yourself, do a crossword with the kids. Your soul may need some nourishing food, chilled music, dance music, meditation, candles and soft music. You get the idea, this is so simple and yet extremely powerful and I find it brings me into my body, connects me to this moment and my authentic self.

On Monday evenings I am starting some zoom sessions to support you by using journalling, breath work and mindfulness to bring some calm into your lives - we all need that right now don’t we? Go to my events page for more information.

Enjoy exploring your creativity with journaling.

With Love

Wendy x


Winter solstice celebration 2020


Green Soup (for the soul)